The Tome of Zhu

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The Mighty Thor!

The 1960s cartoon version of Marvels Thor on the Youtubes!

I'm not sure what's going on at Youtube these days, they seem to have a lot of old cartoons and tv series that are still best-before copyright expiry date. Maybe they sorted a way of paying the rights owners and all this stuff is legit now? Who knows.

Anyway, it's fun to have this running in the background whilst I'm working - the bright solid colour palette and the fantastic Jack Kirby artwork used captain-pugwash style to tell the tales of derring do, riding rough-shod over Norse mythology. I love the low-tech, full on, bare bones graphic quality of the series, it has a vigor and energy that is really quite insane (in a good way). Maybe break out some Marvel Super Heroes RPG - another copyright WTF? and start putting on silly voices. Loki seems to have been Skeletors voice coach - que high pitched strangulated laughter.

Clearvision have the DVDs for  £5, including postage in the UK, so I'll get around to placing an order eventually...

Anyway, begone - back to the drawing table with you Zhu!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this show when I was a little boy and dam I still like to watch it. it was so cool running home from school to eat cookies and milk and watch thor yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa boi lol it was great to be a kid in the 60s, how we love to visit our lost world, the mind of a child is wonderful and cool, ok I do not know what this site is but its cool
