The Tome of Zhu

Monday, 17 December 2012

Dungeons & Dragons & Demons & Drugfiends

Silent post. I'm just going to post these images and make no comment regarding them, so draw your own conclusions. Or better yet, draw a map and populate a dungeon.

Jay Lynch | Last Hit | BOGEYMAN #3 |1970 found at

Trampier | AD&D Players Handbook | 1978

Larry S. Todd | Tales of the Armorkins #1 | 1971 | via or via

Sutherland | Kobolds |
Roslof | Goblin (left) | Kobold (right) AD&D Monster Cards | via
Trampier | AD&D Players Handbook (1978) via
Deitch | Night Toad | via


  1. The fourth image, labeled "Trampier | Kobolds," is not drawn by Tramp. As you can see from the "DCS" initials in the corner, this illustration is by the other Dave: David C. Sutherland III.
