The Tome of Zhu

Monday, 6 July 2015

Vote Goblinmaster!

Kevin Adams Goblin Pirate Lieutenant miniature for Via Liabunda Miniatures is up for an Ennies Award in the Best Miniature Product category.

Baguzk Boneslay - Pirate Goblin Lieutenant

For those not familiar with the Ennies, it's probably the most prestigious award for Role Playing Games, in the world held annually by Enworld annually at GenCon. More wargaming orientated readers might be surprised to see card-stock characters in the same category, but the spread of 'pawns' used in RPGing is a bit more varied.

This is an excellent opportunity to not only support an indie miniatures company with it's heart firmly in the old-school, but also an opportunity to show our appreciation to Kev, and help him achieve recognition for all the outstanding work he's done over the years. 

Well, all that aside it actually is the best product in the Best Miniature Product category.

Vote Here!

And don't forget to spread the word!

1 comment:

  1. I've cast my vote :) go Kev! And thanks for blogging about it Zhu :D
