The Tome of Zhu

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Krunchy Karrots of Khaos

Fogou Models asked me to draw up a logo for their Battle at the Farm wargaming scenery Kickstarter, based on two carrots crossed behind a shield. After some persuasion I did it and so the Krunchy Karröts of Khaös have been unleashed onto the unsuspecting world.

Fogou Models Kickstarter Socmed Flyer Modles by Curis

Fogou Battle at the Farm Terrain Models by Captain Blood
Fogou Battle at the Farm Terrain Models by Asslessman

The set itself is based on the Battle at the Farm scenario from Rogue Trader and would make perfect scenery to play out that scenario. While the Battle at the Farm takes place on a Jadeberry Farm on the Crimson Fists homeworld, not a root-vegetable in sight, it has a massive variety of uses beyond that single scenario perhaps some Burrows & Badgers or WRG Ancients or well, anything really, you can't get much more generic and useful than a derelict set of stone walls.

Battle at the Farm logo by [ZHU]
Fun drawing something slightly more normal. It was tough resisting the urge to over-do it and put gurning demon faces all over the carrots that would have distracted from the dilapidated agricultural outhouse for all seasons theme, and keep the whole thing reasonably handcrafted healthy and organic.

Original Pen and Ink drawing before type was added on the computer 

More of Fogou Models excellent wargames scenery can be seen at the Fogou Models website.
The Kickstarter campaign for the Battle at the Farm set runs until June 12 2018.