The Eagle summoned all kinds of birds together, to choose their king ; it was agreed that the one which could fly highest should be elected.
The Rook flew so high that he called out,
Caw, caw, caw,The Lark flew quite up to heaven's gate, and there sung a sweet song of triumph.
I can zee it all.
But whilst these trials were going on the little blue Tit-mouse crept under the feathers of the Eagle and hid itself there. When the Eagle's turn came he soared far higher than any of the others and remained stationary at that point, looking proudly downwards.
At length when quite exhausted with the prolonged effort, he was obliged to commence to descend at that moment the little blue Tit-mouse flew out and mounted still higher than the eagle had done, with its pert note of
Tit, tit, Higher it,All the birds were therefore obliged to acknowledge that the little blue Tit-mouse must be their King.
Tit, tit, Higher it.
A couple of inspiring points regards this tale:
- It tells of the small overcoming the great though cunning- surely a central theme of all Halfling stories!
- The twisted mnemonic logic of a birds social standing (i.e. kingship) being based on it's ability to fly high, which in turn is based on, or somehow related to their song - the influence of a Halfling Bardic tradition perhaps!
- The appearance of Eagles (a Tolkenian theme, so therefore already "Hobbity")
- The generally rural and 'woodsy' feel of the whole thing.
As a Halfling folk-tale, this could be lifted straight into the background, but with a little work, it could become more mythic in proportion.