"He was a terribly bad hobgoblin, a goblin of the very wickedest sort and, in fact, he was the devil himself. One day the devil was in a very good humor because he had just finished a mirror which had this peculiar power: everything good and beautiful that was reflected in it seemed to dwindle to almost nothing at all, while everything that was worthless and ugly became most conspicuous and even uglier than ever. In this mirror the loveliest landscapes looked like boiled spinach, and the very best people became hideous, or stood on their heads and had no stomachs. Their faces were distorted beyond any recognition, and if a person had a freckle it was sure to spread until it covered both nose and mouth.
"That's very funny!" said the devil. If a good, pious thought passed through anyone's mind, it showed in the mirror as a carnal grin, and the devil laughed aloud at his ingenious invention.
All those who went to the hobgoblin's school-for he had a school of his own-told everyone that a miracle had come to pass. Now, they asserted, for the very first time you could see how the world and its people really looked. They scurried about with the mirror until there was not a person alive nor a land on earth that had not been distorted.
Then they wanted to fly up to heaven itself, to scoff at the angels, and our Lord. The higher they flew with the mirror, the wider it grinned. They could hardly manage to hold it. Higher they flew, and higher still, nearer to heaven and the angels. Then the grinning mirror trembled with such violence that it slipped from their hands and fell to the earth, where it shattered into hundreds of millions of billions of bits, or perhaps even more. And now it caused more trouble than it did before it was broken, because some of the fragments were smaller than a grain of sand and these went flying throughout the wide world. Once they got in people's eyes they would stay there. These bits of glass distorted everything the people saw, and made them see only the bad side of things, for every little bit of glass kept the same power that the whole mirror had possessed.
A few people even got a glass splinter in their hearts, and that was a terrible thing, for it turned their hearts into lumps of ice. Some of the fragments were so large that they were used as window panes-but not the kind of window through which you should look at your friends. Other pieces were made into spectacles, and evil things came to pass when people put them on to see clearly and to see justice done. The fiend was so tickled by it all that he laughed till his sides were sore. But fine bits of the glass are still flying through the air, and now you shall hear what happened..."
- Hans Christian Andersen The Snow Queen (1844) Trans. Jean Hersholt (1949)
On its own, this section is a great source of cursed items for D&D - Spectacles of Change Alignment, Glass Swords and background motivations for NPCs - evil enchanters seeking great chunks of glass to craft items from. It also introduces a nice mischievous goblin king / devil with a penchant for crafting malicious objects, whose sole motivation is his own amusement at the expense of others - a nice unpredictable amoral villain.
Although the origins of the meme are probably from an earlier tale (though none spring to mind), the splinter working its way into the heart is not a million miles away from Frodos encounter with the Morgul-knife at Weathertop in J.R.R. Tolkiens Lord of the Rings. Indeed there is much in Tolkien transforming ideas from fairy tales, so much so that it's hard not to hear him chuckling to himself making these in-jokes reading his work.
As a side note: the obvious use of religious imagery when compared with the translation at Gutenburg.
Narcissus / Nemisis
Going to leave this one in the incubator for awhile but it will be woven into the background, in fact a reworked version might become a central myth of the denizens of The Realm.