Sunday 29 March 2020

Crooked Dice Fantasy Colouring In

Crooked Dice have released a seven page print and colour pdf featuring some of the concept artwork I've been doing for their forthcoming 7TV Fantasy game, including some heroic adventurers and villainous Orcs.

You can use these to print out and entertain yourself or any captive Halflings in your Lockdown Dungeon that might need to be kept busy for a little bit.  Alternatively you could use them for trying out some different colour schemes for the forthcoming miniatures, or just enjoy them in their natural black and white line art state.


Orc Footsoldier
I've also had sight of some work in progress from Mark Evans and John Pickford on the miniatures which are looking awesome.

Meanwhile, download PDF Fantasy Colouring in Book  just type "0" on the name a fair price to get it free, hoorah! and don't forget to share your colourings on the crooked dice insta and fb if that's your thing. Hope you enjoy them.