Mighty-thewed Barbarian miniatures emerging from the mists of prehistory to raid and pillage under the auspices of Dark Gods.
Warbands of Wrath & Ruin | Campaign Banner |
Barbarian Slave Fighters |
Priestess |
Untill now RBG miniatures have been largely 'northern' in inspiration, weaving Nordic and Arthurian influences into a frostbitten Dark Ages milieu.
Warbands of Wrath and Ruin, RBG steps into a new direction. The primeval dawn of time, before the sinking of Atlantis to a world of ruined empires, a world of gods and magic, of flesh and bronze a world or barbaric heroism.
For me it evokes the imagery and worlds of 1970s pulp fantasy fiction Robert E. Howards
Conan the Barbarian, Richard Corbens
Den, John Normans
Gor, Boris Vallejo, Chris Achilleos, Frank Frazetta, Brom,
Sandro Symeoni |
Boris Vallejo |
Val Mayerik |
Joe Jusco |
Les Edwards |
A gaming world and rules set is under development, in the meanwhile the figures have obvious use for skirmish warbands in
Songs of Blades and Heroes,
Warhammer (Chaos Thugs) or barbarian themed
Frostgrave warband
. Bronze Age / Barbarian adventurers or NPC encounters for pulp, Swords and Sorcery remixes of contemporary
Dungeons & Dragons or even
Age of Sigmar, and excellent character or encounter pieces for the various Conan RPGs (from
TSR to
Mophidius) and the ever burgeoning range of classic swords and sorcery inpired games,
Astonishing swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea,
Crypts & Things,
Barbarians of Lemuria or
Adventurer, Conqueror, King
Warbands of Wrath & Ruin on Kickstarter:
http://kck.st/2NPNzZs (updated and relaunched campaign)
Crom! I've never seen the other half of that Les Edwards picture...only the part used on the cover of VFW. Many thanks.
ReplyDeleteGreat, isn't it! If I'm reading the references right there's quite a lot of Assyrian influence in the architecture, which conforms its 'Sandles & Sorcery' pedigree.
DeleteI found the full original image on Les Edwards website. It was originally a wrap-around cover for a novel The Messenger of Zhuvastou. I've never read it, but having read the blurb am tempted to get a copy now. I don't think the novel had any influence on the VFW background story, which was written by David Langford (under the pseudonym Rowland Flynn).
Now THESE I'm interested in. Not much of a one for KS backing and RBG seems to be awkward to get in Blighty - might have to review the warchest and see if it can stretch to some extra muscle.
ReplyDeleteOh - funding cancelled?? Oh well.
DeleteYes, I was quite disappointed that Tre pulled the plug on this one, despite a strong start and a lot of positive feedback, it didn't get the traction needed to cross the finish line. I hope the models will eventually surface once the issues raised by this KS are ironed out.
DeleteRBG are distributed in the UK by Artemis Blacks at Hasslefree but not everything is available all the time.
The Warbands of Wrath & Ruin Kickstarter has been relaunched at: http://kck.st/2NPNzZs and already funded, and a horned Lizardman stretch-goal added.