Doctor Doom: Disciple of the Red Redemption. Thee Kvlt of Doom. The Secret Origins of the Red Redemptionists. Disciples of the Metal Face of Doom. Darth Eroneous. The Book ov Khörne. Skullthrone. Thee Power Kösmik. Disciples of Doom.
Only then did he see the black robes and iron masks that hung upon the chamber walls. The iron mask was unnaturally hot and seared his face as he put it on. The black robes soaked the blood from his armour...
The skin was ritually flayed from the face and torso of each initiate. Glowing hot iron face masks and cuirasses formed a now and tougher skin. At last they were permitted to wear the black robes of Khorne.
...During the initiation ceremony, Darkhoth reads a special passage from the book which so assaults the mind of the initiate that his personality is forever shattered.
Darkhoth assesses the suitability of the initiate for cult membership by his reaction. If the initiate reacts with extreme violence, this is judged to be good, and he is prepared for flaying and encasement in glowing iron.
Of course, this resulted in all of the Disciples of the Red Redemption suffering from total and irrevocable madness, but that really didn't bother them too much.
All text taken from The Second Citadel Journal - Autumn 1985 (c) Citadel Miniatures / Games Workshop.
Mind blown. I knew thanks to you the links of teh red redemptionists with Druillet and Laserbeam but I ha dyet to make the link with Dr Doom. Thispiece of backstory about the red redemptionists is probably my favourite of the whole background. It echoes a novel (several actually) from Lovecraft where the narraor finds a hidden temple burried in teh sands. It's exactly like the beginning o fthe red redemptionists story. The fact the knights of the cleansing flame come from that same point is also priceless. Still give me goose flesh.
hey assless. Yeah, forgot to mention Laserburn this time around. The complete history of the Red Redemption yet to be compiled.
We probably have Voltaire and Dumas to thank way back for the cosmogenesis of the mytheme. Robert "Psycho" Blochs robotic Iron Mask must fall in somewhere along the road to Doom. The retelling of the Origin of Doom in Fantastic Four #278 just two months before the release of the Disciples of the Red Redemption is just too close for coincidence.
Also should mention Victor Von Dooms progeny, Darth Vader. How much greater and so much more powerful, would the burning mask scene in Revenge of the Sith have been if rather than muttering soap-opera dialogue after donning the Iron Mask, Vader had embraced the dark side / worship of Khörne and echoed Victors transformation lines, or even "I shall be redeemed... through blood!" - bzzt. vwooom Dah dah dah dum de dah dum de dah.. lol!
When ever I read your work, Zhu (and read the comments), I feel the thrill that some conspiracy theorists must experience when they read the Warren report next to an open copy of the Zohar. OH MY GOD... IT'S ALL CONNECTED. HOW COULD NOT HAVE SEEN IT BEFORE?!?
LOL! It's all aliens! Yeah there is something of the conspiracy theory about these things.
I was re-reading Laserburn, mostly due to Whiskey Priests thoughts on Confrontation and Assless's mention above, and Bryan name-checks a couple of Marvel comicbooks - Deathlok, Killraven and Howard Chaykins Cody Starkiller who appeared in Star Reach - which also has a comic book adaptation of Elric, among other stories. I've yet to follow up these leads and read them, so there may well be Warhammerisms to be uncovered there.
Also, if IIRC, there are some early (perhaps Reaper, or some zine contributions for D&D, can't quite remember) items like a magical hammer that allows flight (like Marvels Thor - who was also used for the Asgard Miniautres logo for a while) and a magical shield that can be thrown as a weapon (like Captain America). There's really quite a lot of Marvel-influenced stuff going on in the early days, as well as the more obvious Tolkien/Moorcock stuff.
On Singularities and Licenses
You guys remember way back when we thought Turing tests would be helpful?
The Sinless Third Party License is available here:
Crunch and Complexity
Last week, consideration of the new *HârnMaster: Roleplaying in the World
of Kèthîra* and a blog post I came across in defense of heavy rules sets
got m...
Brutal Questing Five Leagues
I've got the first four Orcs from the box I picked up earlier this month
nearly finished but I've been perusing my copy of Five Leagues from the
Mission: The Hermit
Here's another Stargrave scenario, completely untested, as per usual. THE
HERMIT Pagurus Titanicus is known for grabbing bits of debris to build
itself a t...
In the Ashes
*In The Ashes *is a solo roleplaying gamebook written by Pablo Aguilera and
published by Devir. Pablo was kind enough to send me a couple of copies.
Class Wargames on Jihad in the Holy Land
The rise and fall of aṣabiyyah “Wars and different kinds of fighting have
always occurred in the world since Allah created it. The origin of war is
the des...
Atavist or ancestor?
Here's a wee conversion I did a few years ago - just got round to
finishing off the paintwork.
I'll probably make a few more of these: enough for a...
Gencon / Origins 1988 Game Fair
I came across this when tidying a bookcase so thought it a good idea to
scan it for posterity. I seem to recall it came in a Dragon Magazine but
not s...
Strength & Foresight - Eldar Command Group
Back in December 'Winterfest' was launched on The Emporium of Rogue Dreams
Facebook page. Build and paint an Eldar single model, unit or vehicle by
12th ...
A few Iron Claw Goblins.
Finally I have got around to painting some goblins!
I chose some Iron Claw range goblins from 1987/8 because I really love the
detailing on them, and t...
A Fiftieth Anniversary Year
The 50th anniversary year of *Dungeons & Dragons *is drawing to a close. A
number of projects I'd been planning for this year finally came out, and I
The Reynardine
Reynardines are foxes cursed to go about the world in the manner of men, or
perhaps men that are cursed to go about the world in the manner of foxes.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
Some very cool suits from the third *Guardians of the Galaxy* movie.
The many colours are a bit of a homage to Kubricks 1968 movie *2001**: A
Space ...
Deadzone 3.0 Terrain
I prepped and painted some hi-tech/lowlife Deadzone 3rd edition terrain. To
keep things simple, I built the set to pretty closely match the layout on
the b...
MAGA House of Horrors
This is a recent thing I did… the final image has a lot of text added and
this is obviously for a political campaign… since the campaign has not
launched y...
The Fellowship by Hinchliffe
Blogger behaving oddly ATM, and only allowing me to post pictures over a
week apologies if you've seen this already on my Instagram page
Röknauts Revolution
[image: Röknauts Revolution]"Behind each bike blasted knotwork treadtrack,
and ahead blasted scarlet tracer rounds. Forging together iron wills and
iron wh...
Realm of Chaos Campaign : Battle reports
Hi, two weeks ago with Slaanesh_Child and I, we played the four last
battles of the campaign started in February this year. A great campaign
finish with ...
Katsina Miniatures Crystal Spider Swarms
Working on my TOW Lizardmen army recently I went all in for some Spider
Swarms using our very own spider models. They were sculpted by Doti and
they are av...
D&DG Worshippers 9: The Greeks
Greek Worshippers
No paladins in the Greek pantheon. Seems reasonable, I guess.
Zeus Swanning About
Art: Linda SuttonIncluding Titans This first table is...
When did the OSR begin? 2008.
I was looking through a box of some of my old gaming stuff, and I ran
across a bunch of old OSR zines and DIY supplements from 15+ years ago. I
thought, ...
Cult of the Hollow Thorne
+++ The Cult of the Hollow Thorne is one of the oldest Cults of the Green
Man. It has risen to great numbers recently, as the search for
illumination, cure...
Clearance Sale on Dice Trays
50% off remaining foldable dice trays on our Etsy store (valid until March
1st) Clearance Sale on Dice Trays ________ Other news: Although we haven’t
had a...
Why did I need the boost - this is why
It only seems fair as I show-off the results of my recent efforts, that I
show you why I needed the boost to my morale - this little lot, the last
Monster Stat Concept: Disposition
Yesterday, I introduced the concept of monster Motivations as a way to help
understand how to use that monster when designing encounters, or what they
The Battle of Thráya
I recently succeeded in luring Michael Lung over to the house for a
miniatures battle and discussion of Tékumel. If you haven’t heard of
Michael, he is on...
It's been a decade, now...
This is a tough time of year for me. So, with your indulgence, here's this
link to a post I did a decade ago... EDIT: I have no idea why it didn't
take. S...
The Spine of Night Premiering at SXSW Tonight!
*The Spine of Night* will be premiering tonight at *SXSW*. I am extremely
excited about this one! If the past output from Morgan King/Gorgonaut has
been ...
Oldhammer Fun: My "Citadel Colour" Paints
*My private little collection of Citadel Colour paints is all I need. Well,
that and a few good brushes.*
Warning: This is another frothy Oldhammer Blog p...
CCLII. AoS28: Sunhold Deadwalkers and Netopyr
*A*t last found a bit of time for my personal projects, so I made a few
figures real quick.
Sunhold Deadwalkers
I'm trying to settle for a definitive ...
Using the Rainy City with Risus: The Anything RPG
S. John Ross's *Risus: The Anything RPG* can do anything. It says so right
on the tin.
And, if it is anything, the Rainy City is certainly something!
But ...
Mordheim mercenary band - More puff and more slash
Hey there, still working on the mercenary band for Mordheim, I've decided
to go with the big hitters now with a champion and 2 sword players.
This guys s...
The Heroes of Fruglehofen
Yes, I know I said I was starting with Gimbrin's Mine... again. Due to
vagaries of the warp or machinations of some evil power I am still waiting
for some ...
MARS: Zombie Pirates
Mars is another Ukrainian company that does not believe in copyrights.
These are full on Pirates of Caribbean ripoffs, and that is hard core
Warplan 5/5 Campaign System
I'm afraid I couldn't find a way to reproduce the snazzy double headed
arrow in 5/5 in the text so will have to do with this instead.
Warplan 5/5 came o...
Troika! review/overview
As an avowed Advanced Fighting Fantasy fan, I've been a big fan of Daniel
Sell's Troika!, even though I've STILL not got it to the table. It's a
really te...
Not Necromancy...
I am indeed alive! AN incredibly busy year of travel just got more crazy
as the year ended. In between I continued to work and play-test a different
Sacred Art for the New Year
Happy New Year’s Week! The start of a New Year always holds such great
promise … being a completely blank slate — there are 366 days (leap year)
to bring...
Squarehex 2019 Review and 2020 Plans
2019 was a good year for the business. The two highlights for me were
getting *The Black Hack Second Edition* rewards sent out to our Kickstarter
backers ...
Dricheans for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago?
*Some Yan Koryani*
*Painted by Akarsh*
I was disappointed when North Star cancelled (or put on hold?) the plastic
box of Dricheans, the Bronze Age c...
Dark Crystal TV Show
*Edit: I have changed my mind drastically about this show. I plan on
writing a follow-up sometime soon, but after watching the rest of episode
1, I watched...
Clear Acrylic Base Saves The Day (And The Mini)
My fantasy miniatures have always been game pieces, to be handled and used
from one campaign to the next. Some of my favorite minis are 30 to 40 years
This is only for followers ...with thanks!
Thank you for following and here are a few newer [ish] pieces which I do
hope you enjoy.
They are in no particular order and if some appear to be 'older' i...
The Withered Crag available now
I just enabled the sale of the PDF version of The Withered Crag at
DriveThruRPG a few minutes ago, and the custom print version will be
available startin...
The G+ Apocalypse
This is where to find me after the fall of the G+ empire. Facebook Blog Https://
The Tekumel ...
Regarding Zak
I hope that Zak engages with some sort of accountability process, takes
responsibility ...
A Sojourn Among Antediluvian Archæotheria
This started with nomenclature, as so many things do. I started writing a
response to Scrap Princess's post about Dinosaur naming conventions in the
Dernier article
Hé oui, c'est le fin de Chaotica Cloaquis, sur Canalblog.
En effet, après dix ans de bons et loyaux services, je vais quitter cette
plateforme pour Blogg...
2019 Goals
It's been forever since I've posted, and the only gaming I've gotten in is
a Warmaster matchup between Undead and Dwarves. I'm playing against my
son, but...
Please, I don't do paid advertisements - don't ask.
A little note since people have asked me about this. My video channel's
*not* an advertising platform, so I'm not available for hire if you want to
Blink Dogs
AD&D Blink Dogs This month I have been entirely focused on sorting through
my storage and rebasing all my figures to Renedra 25mm bases. Boring
stuff. ...
How can We Destroy this Campaign World?
1. You must trick a bard into strumming the *Chords of Fate* on the *Lute
of Annihilation*
2. Legends tell of thermonuclear weapons beneath megadunge...
Meet Emrim
Meet Emrim. For a dwarf (and a thief*) he's a good sort, and a fine shot to
have alongside you in a fight. Not *behind* you, mind, he's not a perfect
shot ...
The Gates of Death
Remember how I started the last entry, for *The Port of Peril*?
Of course you do, you read this blog every day.
The _____ of _____. It's back for this la...
Workbench April 2018
So this month I didn't work on multiple projects, it was just full steam
ahead with Super Dungeon Explore...
First up we have the last of the heroes, The ...
Top 10 White Dwarf Covers of the 1980s
I couldn’t resist. Ben McVay on Film Goblin posted his top 10 Dragon covers
of the 1980s. So, here’s my pick of the top 10 covers of White Dwarf
magazine f...
Hinterverse, a Glossary
Antikytheron, the
Core prognostication device of the Great Machine, origin unknown.
Arcturean Arm
A minor spiral arm of the Hinterverse.
The birth...
Valor - La Lune Noire (1996)
There is a desolate temple sitting on a hill. It has been abandoned for
centuries, its furnishings untouched by man, but ravaged by time and nature.
Ral Partha Necromancer
Realms of Magickal Sorrow by Old Sorcery
MY first post in December also showcases the first 'evil' miniature I have
thus far painted for this project. Witho...
Ral Partha Necromancer
Realms of Magickal Sorrow by Old Sorcery
MY first post in December also showcases the first 'evil' miniature I have
thus far painted for this project. Witho...
Empire of the Petal Throne!
The new hardcover and softcover editions of Empire of the Petal Throne
arrived and are available now at! Here’s a link:
Puerto Rico and Caribbean Hurricane Relief Bundle
“Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria a few short weeks ...
More Kesmai Corporation Isle of Kesmai images
Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged here guys. Here's some more fun
Isle of Kesmai images showing the various stages of creating the Isle of
That Is Not Dead Which Can Eternal Lie...
...and in strange aeons, even this blog may be updated.
Believe or not I have a half-written post for* Temple of Terror *that I
intend to complete and publ...
More Rogue Trooper Orks
I recently had the chance to make a flying visit to the Warhammer World
shop, where I picked up a shiny new hardback of Warhammer 40,000: Rogue
Trader. It...
Dungeon Accessories: Part I (of many)
I have spent a lot of time in the last couple years painting dungeon
accessories. At first I didn't want to, as there really isn't much time
in-game for th...
Something SUPER different.
You nay have realised form the lack of posts that my painting and posting
mojo really isn't where it once was. I am still enjoying gaming and
honestly I do...
A solitary Heroquest fimir
The handsome fellows over on the Scale Creep blog invited me to join their
Heroquest Hero Quest and I could hardly turn them down. After all, I
had already...
Eureka! Password Recovered
Gee, that only took forever. First, I would like to apologize from my
prolonged absence from this blog. There are several reasons. I had some
major life up...
2016 - The Year of Mediocrity
Happy New Year, I guess.
Better late than never. I mean, if you wait long enough, it will be a new
year somewhere, right? Now that I think about it...
Our bags are packed for the Pacific Northwest
The summer seems to be rushing by. I think it feels like that because we
haven’t really had any summer yet. I know, I know, some of you have been
having R...
A couple more Landspeeders
It has been a while since I posted any of my Star Wars stuff - my
lanspeeder race project has been on hold for the last couple years.
However, I have 2 com...
Steampunk Militia now on Kickstarter!
I am pleased to announce the long awaite...
Paper Experiments
I tried playing with a limited color palatte and a reduced number of images
today. Everything else was open to whatever I wanted to do; I just couldn't
Every Dungeon had a Dragon....
Back in 1980, every dungeon had a dragon in it! There were a few dragon
miniatures on the market at that time, including some nice 'imports' from
Still clearing up '83
Ok, this blog update is dedicated to Kevin Davies (no not that one), Shaun
Watson, Steve Clark and the two or three Frothers that commented, without
whom I...
Prohibition has ended and so has the shortage of AFS back issues! While
supplies last all 6 issues are available as I recently did a re-print run,
had thes...
The blog is looking for an "editor!"
Hi folks
I need to face it: after more than 4 years of running this little blog, it
has become obvious that I can't keep up - other interferences, you know...
Not going to be maintaining the FF blog on Google anymore. Mainly because
of this which seems to be the thin end of the wedge.
*Number Appearing:* 2-8
*Size:* 10' to peak of cone
*Armor:* Rolls of thick, dense hide as plate armor
*Resilience:* As 8 human warriors
*Intelligence:* S...
What Happened to VHS Archive?!
Some of you may have been wondering, and some of you may not have even
noticed, but VHS Archive has pretty much ceased to operate. I live in
Seattle where ...
Hello everyone I'm back, I am actually still alive and able to paint. Sorry
for the huge absence, last year was fairly shitty and since then I've
¡Otro dragón en Birmingham!
El 5 de Septiembre de 1981 Ian será el encargado de oficiar como maestro de
ceremonias en la apertura de la tercera tienda oficial de Games Worksho...
Interesting Places: Tomb of Yekelil
Today's map is dedicated to all my Internet friends who hate blue maps.
This map revisits last year's map of the Tomb of Yekelil, one of the many
levels w...
Mind blown. I knew thanks to you the links of teh red redemptionists with Druillet and Laserbeam but I ha dyet to make the link with Dr Doom.
ReplyDeleteThispiece of backstory about the red redemptionists is probably my favourite of the whole background. It echoes a novel (several actually) from Lovecraft where the narraor finds a hidden temple burried in teh sands. It's exactly like the beginning o fthe red redemptionists story. The fact the knights of the cleansing flame come from that same point is also priceless. Still give me goose flesh.
hey assless. Yeah, forgot to mention Laserburn this time around. The complete history of the Red Redemption yet to be compiled.
DeleteWe probably have Voltaire and Dumas to thank way back for the cosmogenesis of the mytheme. Robert "Psycho" Blochs robotic Iron Mask must fall in somewhere along the road to Doom. The retelling of the Origin of Doom in Fantastic Four #278 just two months before the release of the Disciples of the Red Redemption is just too close for coincidence.
Also should mention Victor Von Dooms progeny, Darth Vader. How much greater and so much more powerful, would the burning mask scene in Revenge of the Sith have been if rather than muttering soap-opera dialogue after donning the Iron Mask, Vader had embraced the dark side / worship of Khörne and echoed Victors transformation lines, or even "I shall be redeemed... through blood!" - bzzt. vwooom Dah dah dah dum de dah dum de dah.. lol!
When ever I read your work, Zhu (and read the comments), I feel the thrill that some conspiracy theorists must experience when they read the Warren report next to an open copy of the Zohar. OH MY GOD... IT'S ALL CONNECTED. HOW COULD NOT HAVE SEEN IT BEFORE?!?
ReplyDeleteLOL! It's all aliens! Yeah there is something of the conspiracy theory about these things.
DeleteI was re-reading Laserburn, mostly due to Whiskey Priests thoughts on Confrontation and Assless's mention above, and Bryan name-checks a couple of Marvel comicbooks - Deathlok, Killraven and Howard Chaykins Cody Starkiller who appeared in Star Reach - which also has a comic book adaptation of Elric, among other stories. I've yet to follow up these leads and read them, so there may well be Warhammerisms to be uncovered there.
Also, if IIRC, there are some early (perhaps Reaper, or some zine contributions for D&D, can't quite remember) items like a magical hammer that allows flight (like Marvels Thor - who was also used for the Asgard Miniautres logo for a while) and a magical shield that can be thrown as a weapon (like Captain America). There's really quite a lot of Marvel-influenced stuff going on in the early days, as well as the more obvious Tolkien/Moorcock stuff.
Another briliant piece of speculative analysis - and full marks for the MF Doom clips too.
ReplyDeleteAlso the Doom of the Red Redemption banner is illo is cracking!